When financial and economic growth are pursued without consideration for ecological and social wellbeing, this can erode the resilience of natural ecosystems and the communities that depend on them, leaving them increasingly vulnerable to shocks.

Resilience is the capacity to withstand and recover from shocks such as those caused by climate change (e.g extreme weather events such as floods, droughts or cyclones), pathogens (e.g. COVID19), or financial crises. Building the resilience of ecosystems, communities and economies involves addressing drivers of vulnerability including environmental degradation and resource scarcity, inequality, market failures, and lack of economic opportunity. It also requires tools, technologies, knowledge and resources to prepare for and adapt to shocks when they arise.

We offer support to national and subnational governments to tackle the drivers of vulnerability through strategic planning, policy development, and project/programme design; to communities and the non-profit sector in research and analysis, design of innovative approaches to strengthen resilience of communities and ecosystems, and resource mobilisation; and to the private sector to boost awareness, innovation, entrepreneurship and investment in resilience.