In July, the Summer Academy on Land, Security and Climate convened another workshop at the Caux Palace, Switzerland, organised around “Strengthening the Climate Resilience of Conflict-affected and Vulnerable Communities”. The workshop attracted participants from various corners of the globe, strengthening the discussion on the vulnerability of conflict-affected communities towards climate change and, solutions for climate resilience.
Below is a link to the policy paper of insights shared by participants during the workshop, comprising their views and experiences on conflict-affected communities amidst the impacts of climate change. This paper is compiled by Ms Louise Helen Brown of Triple Capital with insights from participants. Case studies presented in this publication were shared by participants in the workshop, and the findings and recommendations set out were jointly developed through an interactive session on the final day of the event.
The Strengthening the Climate Resilience of Conflict-affected and Vulnerable Communities workshop was organised by the Geneva Centre for Security Policy, Initiatives of Change and Triple Capital in collaboration with the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform and Earthbanc. The workshop organisers were Anna Brach, Alan Channer, and Louise Brown, with support from Emanuela Lamorte and Aili Channer.